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Basic Setup for Windows Store for Business

The Windows Store for Business is available on every Windows 10 (Build 1511) device and enables you as a company to purchase App licenses for your employees and define which applications they can use. Additionally you can reassign licenses, if an employee left the company. The applications are automatically updated and you have nothing to do with this process. You can also distribute your line of business applications without publishing them to global Windows Store.

In the next two blog posts, I will show you the first steps to create your own Windows Store for Business.


The users require a Windows 10 (Version 1511) PC or mobile device! For most scenarios you need also an Azure Active Directory. The users should also know their credentials and use them to login to their devices. If you fulfill these requirements you can continue to the next step.

Create your store

First of all you have to check, if the user, you would like to use to provision the Windows Store has the Global Admin organizational role in Azure AD.


Then you can switch to the Windows Store for Business sign in portal https://www.microsoft.com/business-store. Click on sign in with an organizational account.


Now use the account which has the Global Admin organizational role in Azure Active Directory.


Microsoft then presents the service agreement and you know it already, you have to agree to continue.

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You are redirected to your Windows Store for Business Management Portal after a few seconds. Is it really so easy? Yes, it is!!!


In the next post you will see how you can deploy an application to a user and how you can add an application to your private store.

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1 Comment

Preinstall Company Portal App to your computers with MDT. - Workplace Management Blog by baseVISION · April 17, 2018 at 12:28

[…] if you don’t have enrolled for the Microsoft/Windows Store for Business, check out this Blog or the Video from […]

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