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netECM is Ready for ConfigMgr CB Release

In the last months we have updated and tested all netECM components to work with the newest ConfigMgr Releases. Additionally there are several cool new features. Try it out: http://www.netecm.ch


Change Device Type of a Device

Until now you had to remove a device from netECM and add it again when you would like to change the device type. This was very annoying, because you had to copy and paste all settings including the MAC Address to notepad. And you have lost all applications assignments. Now you  can change this directly in the edit device window. After the change it is required to restage the device to apply all the settings of the new device type to the device.





Now there is an SDK available (Separate Download), which will improve the integration to your other systems like CMDB. You can use the SDK with PowerShell or C#.


Performance Optimizations

With bigger customer we experienced that it took a few seconds to load the device list (>5000 Devices). In this release we could resolve this problems and the list will load instantly. This improvement has not reduced the functionality or search behavior.


Device Commands on Status pages

If you have checked the status details of a computer and would like to start a device command, like restage or machine policy update you had to go back to the device list and start the action there. Now you can do that directly on all detail pages.




Enhancement for Permission Management

In netECM you have a lot more possibilities to allow user access only to certain functions, devices and users than in ConfigMgr. Now you have a page for to see which permissions a user really has and why. This is a big advantage to previous releases.




Improved Wizards in netECM:APP and netECM:UserDevice

The wizards are always optimized to speed up all action for the users. With this release we detect when a wizard step is not important for a user and  can be skipped. With this the application registration process is reduced by 3 clicks and you can now register an application with only 10 clicks.



And one of the important one, netECM has a new logo Open-mouthed smile


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If you have any questions contact me, baseVISION or Netree directly.

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