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SCUP 2011 with Timestamp enabled and a Proxy

This week I tried to get SCUP up and running behind a proxy server. SCUP has a nice option to define the proxy server in the GUI.


This works great for the download of updates, but the signing with a timestamp still fails with the following error:

PublishItem: InvalidException occurred during publishing: Verification of file signature failed for file: \\server02\UpdateServicesPackages\b8c423dd-e1d8-454e-82b7-603f07242fa3\f9c6a6e0-as43-472f-ac44-863e9e0badef_1.cab Updates Publisher 20/8/2013 9:33:07 AM 5 (0x0005)

Publish: A fatal error occurred during publishing :Signature verification exception during publish, verify the WSUS certificates and advanced timestamp setting are properly configured. Updates Publisher 20/8/2013 9:33:07 AM 5 (0x0005)


After some investigation I could locate the problem. The problem is, that the timestamp function is executed under system account permissions and the proxy defined in Internet Explorer is used. This means, we have to set the “DefaultConnectionSettings” Value in the “HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections” registry key.

The easiest way to do this is to copy the settings from your user account “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections”.

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